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In this section of you can buy officially; Tickets, tickets or tickets to attend to see the bulls in the bullring of Calahotrra, in the province of La rioja sells tickets to the Plaza de Toros de Calahorra on-line securely and by securing tickets once they are 100% bought. In you can make reservations for tickets and tickets for bulls in calahorra before the day of the start of the ticket sales and so you will not miss your favorite event in the bullring of Calahorra, Province of La rioja
    No season tickets immediately available by Calahorra

    Another info

    The Bullring of Calahorra began to be built in the year 1924 more concretely in the month of May and it was inaugurated the 31 of August of the same year with a bullfight of the Marquess of Villagodio in which bullfighters bullfighting Joselito Of Malaga, Mariano Montes and Fausto Barajas.
    This bullring was built on land that Mr. Emilio Saralegui ceded and was built by a company calahorrana.
    One of its characteristics to emphasize are that its arena has a diameter of 44 meters, is a bullring of 3rd category having a capacity of 6000 spectators.
    Previously to this bullring of Calahorra existed two squares but one the Place of the Raso until the end of the XVIII century, and another the bullring already by the XIX century of masonry and wood, whose construction began in 1.879 and the August 31, 1880 with the bullfighters Lagartijo as the only protagonist of the cartel, this bullring was very nice for its type of construction but the data we have is that it was collapsed by a fire.
    With all this and knowing how important are bullfights in calahorra for its history and important parties do not hesitate to buy your tickets toros Calahorra in and enjoy an unforgettable bullfight.
    Call us: 655 430 455, Office hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00
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