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The Guadalajara City Council has presented the posters for the September bullfighting fair starring key figures from the Spanish bullfighting world, such as Sebastián Castella, Morante de la Puebla, José María Manzanares and Roca Rey, who will return to the capital for the second time after the success of 2022.

The Antigua Fair takes place from September 14 to 17 and features four fighting bulls, one from Rejones. In the coming days, the operator of the bullring will release information on the prices of seats and passes and when they will go on sale.

The mayor of the city, Alberto Rojo, has assured that it is a "big poster with an authority figure and a cow" for a fair that "will regain its splendor in 2022 with excellent work and very important social success".

“The momentum that the city's bullfighting fair has had in the last two years is strong and shows that Guadalajara has a lot of fans that the city council needs to support,” he says.

Thursday 14

El Pilar Livestock for José María Manzanares, Roca Rey and Francisco de Manuel.

Friday the 15th

García Jiménez and Olga Jiménez lock up bulls for Morante de la Puebla, Sebastián Castella and Tomas Rufo.

Saturday 16

The Fandi, Cayetano and Guinness Marine Bull Run at Estancia José Vázquez.

Sunday 17

Region Running of the bulls for Ángel Sánchez and Ganadería Sánchez for Luis Fernandes, Sergio Galán and Sebastián Fernandes
Call us: 655 430 455, Office hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00
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