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The duo Zúñiga-Zabala closes an auctioned fair in Palencia

Carlos Ziga Jr. is the General Director of the UTE Circuitos Taurinos. , and Pueblos del Toreo, by the hand of Víctor Zabala de la Serna, have presented this Tuesday the posters of the San Antonio de Palencia Fair. The cycle, which will take place between Wednesday, August 30, and Sunday, September 3, will include four bullfights, one of which will be mixed, as well as a bullfight.

All the figures of bullfighting, both on foot and on horseback, are shown in the subscription, which is finished off with the following posters.

August 30, Wednesday. Bulls in Montalvo for Ginés Marn, Daniel Luque and Miguel Angel Perera.

Thursday. Bulls from Nez del Cuvillo for Tomás Rufo, Roca Rey and José Mara Manzanares.

Thursday August 31. Guimar Cortés de Moura, Zacaras Moreno, Diego Ventura, and the right-handers Morante de la Puebla and El Juli raised bulls for bullfighting purposes.

Friday the 1st. For Joao Ribeiro Telles, Lea Vicens and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza, David Ribeiro Telles created bulls.

Wednesday 1. Alejandro Talavante, Sebastián Castella and Cayetano received bulls from Juan Pedro Domecq.

The presentation of the tribute cycle to Félix López, "El Regio", took place at the Palace of the Provincial Council of Palencia, which this season celebrates the golden anniversary of its alternative, received in the 1973 season in the old bullring of the city.

Gonzalo I., a journalist, organized the event. The Welcome was attended by Ángeles Armisén Pedrejón, president of the Provincial Council of Palencia, and businessmen Víctor Zabala and Carlos Ziga, in charge of Campos Góticos. Carlos Martín Santoyo, director of Diario Palentino and La 8, as well as the CYLTV program Grana y Oro, also spoke.

The president of the Provincial Council explained that the act was "full of enthusiasm and feeling" and that it was his responsibility to "promote bullfighting because it is a boost for our city." We maintain our commitment to bullfighting because we believe that all cultural expressions speak for us, he said.

Carlos Ziga, businessman, has highlighted that "the bullfighters of Paleencia can be very calm because his Provincial Council fully supports this sport. Encourage and support. And that is essential for emerging businessmen like us. He has assured that" it is the fair that he had in mind, with the novelty of mixed bullfighting", in terms of the posters. As for the combinations, we are very happy.

Víctor Zabala, for his part, stressed that "we want to consolidate this fair as the great fair of Castilla y León". There are a lot of high points. There have been no cuts. Our goal is to surpass the number of subscribers from last year.
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