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The posters for La Malagueta 2023 have already been defined.

The promoter of the Malaga bullring LANCES DE FUTURO has formalized this morning the posters for the bullfighting season in Malaga. Remaining as follows:

The posters of the fair are the following:

– Fri 11/08. Heifer with picadores. Curro Márquez, Jorge Molina and Fuentes Bocanegra, who makes his debut with picadors (Countess of Sobral)

– S 12/08. José Garrido, David de Miranda and José Antonio Lavado, who will take the alternative (Pallarés)

– Sun 13/08. Rejones. Andy Cartagena, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and Ferrer Martín (Benítez Cubero – Pallarés)

– Mon 14/08. Miguel Ángel Perera, Emilio de Justo and Ginés Marín (Domingo Hernández)

– M 15/08. Morante de la Puebla, Cayetano and Juan Ortega (Juan Pedro Domecq)

– X 08/16. José María Manzanares, Jiménez Fortes and Roca Rey (Daniel Ruíz)

– Thurs 17/08. First Semifinal of the XVI International Contest of Bullfighting Schools 'La Malagueta'

– Fri 18/08. Second Semifinal of the XVI International Contest of Bullfighting Schools 'La Malagueta'

– S 19/08. Third semifinal of the XVI International Contest of Bullfighting Schools 'La Malagueta'

– Sun 20/08. Final of the XVI International Contest of Bullfighting Schools 'La Malagueta'

Through you can now buy your tickets for the bulls in Malaga: la-malagueta/p-6-venta.html
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