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Tauroemoción makes official a magnificent fair of San Pedro and San Pablo in Burgos 2023

The protagonists of bullfighting on foot and on horseback are listed from June 24 to July 1.

The bullfighting fair of San Pedro and San Pablo 2023, which will take place from June 24 to July 1, made its entrance in the Covered Patio of the Monastery of San Juan de Burgos.

The cycle consists of four bullfights, one by Jones, seven renowned bullfights and an equestrian performance.

During the presentation ceremony, which was attended by Levi Moreno, councilor for sports facilities in Burgos, Nacho de la Viuda, municipal, provincial and regional authorities, "El Cordobés" and Juan Ortega, the rancher Antonio Bauelos, the bullfighter Adrián Vengas, and The cutters that were announced on June 24, the general director of Tauroemoción, Alberto García, expressed his enthusiasm and satisfaction with the creation of the posters.

The 2022 fair prizes were also awarded at the poster delivery ceremony; The winners were Morante de la Puebla, Antonio Bauelos for best livestock, Juan Ortega for best lunge, Mundotoro prize for written journalism, and Luis Arnáiz, town councilor who died the previous year, who also received a special mention.

The posters looked like this:.

June 24: Cutting contest across the country. The 16 best cutters, breakers and jumpers of the moment are selected by Guadalest.
June 25: Rejones Race. Diego Ventura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and Adrián Venegas will take over, so the bulls of La Castilleja will be for them.
June 26: Bullring. For Morenito de Aranda, Joselito Adame and Antonio Ferrera, the Torrealta bulls.
June 27th. Run. Diego Urdiales, Alejandro Talavante and Juan Ortega received bulls from Antonio Bauelos.
Bullfight scheduled for June 28. Morante de la Puebla, Emilio de Justo and Daniel Luque received bulls from Juan Pedro Domecq.
Bullfight scheduled for June 29. Bulls created by Román Sorando for "El Cordobés", "El Fandi" and Cayetano.
There will be a public release of heifers after the bullfights.
Grand Prix on June 30.
"How Spanish horses dance" equestrian show on July 1. ".
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