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Manzanares alone, Morante and Aguado with that of Victorino Martín: incentives for a great Bonfires fair in Alicante (Posters)

The Eventos Mare Nostrum company, directed by Nacho Lloret, hosts a bonfire that will offer numerous prizes to the fans. Among the most outstanding posters, the feat of José María Manzanares stands out, who will fight six Daniel Ruiz bulls alone on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of his replacement. In addition, Morante de la Puebla will be released on Sunday June 25 with Victorino Martín's bull, in which it will be the fourth time that the Sevillian will fight the crowned bull of the Atléticos. Return to the Alicante Arena after an absence of 37 years. Businessman Nacho Lloret explained that some of the large posters were designed with the clear intention that Plaza de Alicante be a place for major cultural events in the city, such as concerts. About this set of posters, he once said: "There is more to be achieved than initially appears." He was surprised by the response to his proposal among the matadors: "Many of them saved the date for the bonfire."

There was no shortage of Andrés Roca Rey, El Juli, Daniel Luke in a series of four bullfights, a Ray Jones, a chopped heifer and two training sessions, Thomas Rufo, Diego Ventura or Andy Cartagena. The complete combination is as follows:
Sun 06/18: Andy Cartagena, Diego Ventura and Lea Vicens (Fermín Bohórquez)

L 19/06 and M 20/06: Practical classes with students from the Municipal Bullfighting School of Alicante

X 06/21: Santiago Esplá, Borja Escudero and Kevin Alcolado, who makes his debut with picadors (Zacarías Moreno)
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