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The Maestranza de Sevilla shows its Novilladas this year

In principle it has been agreed the number of seven bullfights this season. The livestock planned for these celebrations are the following: Rocío de la Cámara, Villamarta, Núñez de Tarifa, Soto de la Fuente, Dolores Rufino, Fuente Ymbro and Hermanos Sampedro.

The presumable dates of these bullfights are Sundays May 10, 17 and 24; Corpus Day, June 11; and on Thursday, June 18 and 25, these last two hours will be from 9:00 PM. One more in the Fair of San Miguel reaching the final stretch of this course.
Call us: 655 430 455, Office hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00
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