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SALAMANCA present a high level FAIR

Salamanca present a fair stand out a great level where a trap of simon lopez and the presence of all the leading figures of our bullfighting today , again salamanca level continues to rise at the fair

Sunday, November : Alberto Lopez Simon (several breedings )
-Monday , 12: A. Marcos, Toñete and D. Salvador ( debut ) ( C. de Huebra )
-Tuesday , 13: Ponce , Talavante and Roca Rey (El Pilar )
-Wednesday , 14: Morante , El Juli and Poplar ( Garcigrande )
-Thursday , 15: Castella , Perera and Ureña ( Montalvo )
-Wednesday , 21 : Beautiful, Gallant and Lea Vicens (Sanchez and Sanchez )
Call us: 655 430 455, Office hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00
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