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José Tomás
José Tomás Román Martín is a Spanish bullfighter known nationally and internationally as José Tomás. For many José Tomás is the great bullfighting figure of the 21st century.

Date of birth: August 20, 1975 in Galapagar (Madrid).

Public debut: He made his public debut at just 12 years of age in a bullfight in the Colmenarejo bullring in 1987.

Debut as a bullfighter: José Tomás debuted as a bullfighter wearing the costume of lights for the first time at the traditional San Blas Fair in the Valdemorillo bullring in 1997. Later, in 1994 he emigrated to Mexico where he debuted in the Monumental of Mexico fighting steers of Manuel Martínez.

Alternative: his alternative was in 1995 in the bullring in Mexico with Jorge Gutierrez. And with none other than Manuel Mejía as a witness. And with bulls from the Xajay ranch.

Confirmation of the alternative: It occurred in May 1996, accompanied by the great Ortega Cano and Jesulín de Ubrique. That afternoon bulls from the Jandilla, Criado Holgado and Guardiola Dominguez ranches were fighting.

Plazas where he has bullfighted: The right-hander from Galapagar has come to bullfight in the most representative bullfighting plazas in the world, both in Europe and in America. Emblematic squares La Monumental in Mexico, La Monumental in Barcelona, La Maestranza in Seville, Las Ventas, La Maestranza in Ronda, Bullring in Pamplona, La Malagueta, Bullring in Jerez de la Frontera, Bullring in Granada, Plaza of Zaragoza bulls, Arles Arena, Nimes Arena

Bullfighter style: José Tomás has incalculable courage and daring when facing the bull. He has an innate ability to deploy the cape millimeters from the bull. His fight has dazzled the most passionate people in the world of bullfighting, but his daring attitude is what left all the fans breathless.

Additional information: José Tomás, is inactive and out of the ring. At this time he is in charge of managing several foundations created by himself, with the aim of promoting national bullfighting. Current swordsman: Andrés Román Martín (Brother of José Tomás)

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