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In this section of you can officially buy subscriptions, tickets, tickets or tickets to attend the bullfights at the Niebla 2025 bullring. is in charge of officially selling the tickets for the Niebla 2025 bullring online in a safe way and guaranteeing your tickets once purchased 100%. toros Niebla 2025 before the start of ticket sales so you won't miss out on your favorite event.
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    Nibla District bullring. It was inaugurated on November 7, 1993 with a win by Rocío de la Cámara and Carmen Borrero for a non-elective party. The bullfighters José Luis Cottan, José Doblado, José Manuel “El Tregorino” Apuín and the boxer David Vázquez participated. The inauguration will take place on October 30 with celebrations for those postponed due to the weather and a month later on November 27, with the winners being Rafael Peralta, Joao Moura and Leonardo Hernandez Sr.
    It has capacity for 2000 spectators, thus being the pakza of fog bulls of 3 category
    The fog bullring is owned by the town hall collaborates with the Niebla bullring to sell its tickets online and thus make the sale of tickets or subscriptions something more comfortable and simple, by being able to secure your tickets for Niebla bullfights from anywhere in Spain or in the world, without having to move from your home, without having to wait in long queues and getting your tickets for Niebla bulls in such an easy way that you would never have imagined before.
    Call us: 655 430 455, Office hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00
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