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Malaga Fair August
The Malaga August Fair is an unforgettable bullfighting experience. This fair begins at midnight on Friday, August 16, 2024 and ends on August 24.

Purchase bullfighting tickets for the August Fair and experience a unique festive and bullfighting atmosphere in the La Malagueta bullring. At the Official Ticket Office we guarantee 100% ticket security as an official sales channel, so you can enjoy a show that combines art, passion and cultural legacy.

At the Malaga Fair, the 19th is taken as a reference, which commemorates the Reconquest of the city by the Catholic Monarchs, and around which the duration and days of these festivities are established. Immerse yourself in history and culture with bullfighting shows, bullfights or bullfights led by great bullfighters of today's bullfighting.

You can also check our bullfighting tickets in Malaga in 2024.
Call us: 655 430 455, Office hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00
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