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In this section you can officially buy; fertilizers, tickets, tickets or tickets to attend to see the bulls in the bullring in Córdoba 2025 called bullring of the caliphs. is officially responsible for selling tickets of the bullring in Cordoba 2025 online safely and ensuring their tickets once bought 100%. In you can make booking tickets and season tickets for Cordoba bulls before the first day of the Ticketing and so you will not miss your favorite event.
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Another info

The bullring of córdoba is called the bullring of the caliphs in memory of the five caliphs of bullfighting. Caliph of bullfighting is a title that has been awarded over time to the great figures of bullfighting in Cordoba.
the five caliphs of this city are: lagartijo, guerrita, machaquito, manolete and finally el cordobés.

the bullring of cordoba was inaugurated on the 9th of may 1965. Its origins date back to 1963 when a group of people founded a society to build the bullring of Cordoba. Thus began the project of José Rebollo Dicenta and his technical direction, and work began in June.
The Cordoba bullring has a capacity of more than 16,890 spectators and is considered to be of the first category.
The plaza de toros of córdoba is located in the Gran Vía Parque avenue belongs to the district of Ciudad Jardín, but its location corresponds to the Huerta de la Marquesa. collaborates with the bullring of Cordoba and specifically with the entity that manages LANCES DE FUTURO S.L to sell their tickets online and thus make the sale of tickets or season tickets is something more convenient and simple, to ensure your tickets for bullfighting in Cordoba from anywhere in Spain or the world. Without having to move from your home, without having to wait in long queues and getting your tickets, tickets or tickets for bulls Cordoba in a way so easy that you would never have imagined before.

Past celebrations


José María Manzanares, Juan Ortega, Roca Rey tickets tickets

Cordoba bullring
Domingo Hernández
19/05/2024 19:00



Diego Ventura, Morante de la Puebla, Román tickets tickets

Cordoba bullring
Los Espartales
18/05/2024 19:00


More past celebrations
Call us: 655 430 455, Office hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00
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