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Luis Antonio Gaspar Galindo is a Spanish bullfighter known professionally in the bullfighting world as "Paulita".

Date of birth: May 19, 1978 in Alago, Zaragoza (Spain)

Debut with picadors: He debuted as a bullfighter on June 2, 1996 in the bullring of Zaragoza. That day he was accompanied by Antonio Ferrera and Juan Diego.

Alternative: Luis took the alternative on October 11, 2001 in the bullring of Zaragoza. With "Joselitoª as godfather and Enrique Ponce as witness with specimens from the Torrestrella livestock.

Alternative confirmation: [/ u] Luis confirmed his alternative on April 25, 2004 in the Madrid bullring, Las Ventas. With Alberto Elvira as godfather and Chamon Ortega as a witness in the ring. That afternoon they fought bulls from the Murteira Grave ranch.

[u] Plazas in which he has bullfighted: [/ u] Luis has come to bullfight in the most representative bullfighting plazas in the world. Emblematic squares such as La Maestranza in Seville, Las Ventas, La Malagueta, Arena in Arles, Arena in Nimes.

[u]Bullfighter style:
Luis's style is characterized by being professional and neat bullfighting.

[u] Additional information: [/ u] He is currently in a lower profile due to his few appearances in the rings.

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Joselillo, Paulita, Serranito, Carlos Gallego, Juan del A.. tickets

Zaragoza bullring
José Luis Pereda, Hermanos Cambronell, Castillejo de Huebra, Lopez Gibaja, Aurelio Hermano y Hros. Ignacio Pérez
08/10/2023 17:30


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